Nutrition and lifestyle changes have an incredible impact on your overall well being, when you make small modification over time, not all at once. Time and time again, I’ve seen positive results – clients heal from digestive problems, women overcome emotional eating, men stop having to take meds for heartburn, anxiety, and depression both helped without the need for meds. I’ve seen clients become energized and vibrant just by changing their diet to improve their sleep habits and the list goes on.

1. Individualized food plans based on YOU – your likes, dislikes, food intolerances, allergies, lifestyle.

2. Stuck in a rut? Inspiration, motivation, guidance. It’s like having a food trainer instead of a personal trainer – your personal food coach to give you a gentle butt kicking.

3. Get to the root cause of your sleep problems, low energy, skin issues, hormonal problems without resorting to meds or pill popping more supplements than food – food is your best medicine for many (not all) health concerns.

4. Learn how to eat to prevent cancer and disease, rather than manage disease symptoms.

5. Digestion, digestion, digestion! Work with an expert on getting your gut on track, avoid having to undo the top button of your jeans after a meal.

6. Learn strategies to develop a new relationship with food and a bonus – yourself. When you learn how to eat better, your confidence and self-esteem improve. Good food = good mood.

7. A holistic nutritionist teaches you a holistic model of health by providing not only dietary guidance but lifestyle suggestions too.

8. No quick-fix fad or crash diets. Diets don’t work and are time-limited. Get healthy over time, weight loss will be a side effect, as well as glowing skin, higher sex drive, better sleep, healthy bowel movements – yes! Who doesn’t love a healthy bowel movement? See you later waste and toxins!

9. Holistic Nutritionists do not advise you on a food guide or pyramid, but on what is best for you.

10. Learn new recipes, how you can cook healthy food that’s as high in taste as it is in nutrients and spend no more than 15 minutes in the kitchen!

11. Get happy. One of the benefits of getting healthy is your mood improves! Diets make you miserable and are not sustainable.

12. Learn what nutrients you may be deficient in due to medications you are taking. Use foods and supplements (if needed) to replace what’s lost. For example, one of the most common depleted nutrients is CoQ10 from statin drugs. The very nutrient needed for heart health is being depleted by a touted “heart health” drug.

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